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Web Design Page

Anchor 1

Description of the class:

In this class, we create websites with creative descriptions on the topic. The project which I am displaying right now is to give more detailed information about myself. Some important information about myself is that I like sports and I am creative. 

download (3).jfif

I created a website of how to play chess. I went into detail about how the pieces move and what to do to win the game.

I created a website of a fan page of Jayson Tatum. I used the photo shop app to make it seem like I was with him, as well as me stalking him. 

I created a website of my future self and my professions. I chose the game of gold because I had recently started playing and have loved it ever since. 

fans copy (1).jpg
67602_standard_t1100 copy.jpg

These are my Future Me fan page Photoshops!!

face work copy.jpg
award 2 copy.jpg
photo 4 copy.jpg
How-far-to-stand-from-the-golf-ball copy.jpg
pic with fans 2.0 copy 2.jpg
pic with fans 2 copy.jpg

These are my Jayson Tatum fan page Photoshops!!

tatum and me 4 copy.jpg
Tatum and me 3 copy.jpg
tatum and me 2 copy.jpg
Tatum and me 1 copy.jpg

Here is my Locker Project

Gavin Gilmartin - WD Decorate Your Own Locker Assignment (2).jpg
6259989_sd copy.jpg

More Photoshops! 

walter body.jpg
swap cades.jpg
IMG-1518 copy.jpg
combine names copy (1).jpg

Here is a video of me having thalassophobia!

Below is a photoshop I made for Thalassophobia.

istockphoto-1311832815-612x612 copy 2 (1).jpg

The photoshops below show the item I created and I made photoshops for it.

auction copy (1).jpg
item 2 (1).jpg

Here, I cloned myself five times and made it look like I was playing basketball.

IMG-1301 copy 2 (1).jpg

These photoshops include cartoon characters from different shows. 

gilmore_1920 (1).jpg
cartoon 22 (1).jpg
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